Saturday morning waking up to the sound of rain on the window pane.  Needed to take plan B into action, so shopping.  First we went to Tesco's to get some groceries and also birthday presents to our godchildren: Aksu (awful, slimy eyeballs) and Aino (pearls to make a bracelet).  I bought magazines to get some ideas for our new house decorations.

Next to Antics Fare in a lovely manson (?) in Huntigdon which name I can't remember.  Great house!  And if we just had had a container to fill in with the furniture I would have been happy.  Another fare in St Ives where the girls got some presents from Ant.  Heini has already been wearing her camee!

Lunch in Old Bridge Hotel.  Very English, old and traditional.  Excellent meal with buddings.  Evening spent in Ant's new conservatorio reading magazines and girls drawing.  Thai take-away for supper at Ant's place.

Last day still raining.  Packing in the morning and lunch in the local pub.  There was paintings for sale which we really liked, would be just right in our new house.  But difficult to travel...  After long lunch we left towards Stansted airport.  Trip back home was easier than the other way.  Of course it was a bit earlier and we were already used to English time.  It was raining in England when we left but in Finland at 11pm temperature was 17C and humid.  Fog was thick.  At home just after midnight.