9/2011                 3/2011            5/2006              2/2006                     2002                 1997


Total             5,9mmol/l             6,2                  4,50                  6,10                         6,60                  5,84

HDL              1,4                       1,22                1,01                  1,12                         1,31                  1,08

LDL               4                         4,4                   3,10                  4,40                         4,79                  4,19

Trigly             1,08                    1,39                 0,84                  1,20                         1,11                  1,26


* Explanation to the low figures on 2006: I had a 3 weeks diet before the test, very strict no fat or sugar diet. So for me it is proved that I can control my cholesterol levels without drugs.