Today I had lunch with Aila in Tali Golf Club. Traditional club sandwich on a terrace in reasonable Finnish summer weather.  Aila gave me a lift as I had no car.  Jouni needed it to get to the doctor's to have his big toe checked (x-rayed and found lightly broken, nothing done, will get better in a month or two).  Aila had her sister's car and quite uncustomed with it left the lights on.  After an hour's lunch Aila just remembered the lights when opening the doors.  Electricity just enough to open the electric locks but not enough to get it started. Battery was empty.  Lots of golfers around so we just asked "does anybody have the cables?"  First didn't, Mercedes driver had one! and the third one had a brand new set still in the packet.  Short call to Jouni to check how to put the cables in to not empty also the battery of our helper's car.  And a minute later we had running engine.  Thanks you's later we were on the way back to work.