I had a surgery on Friday to get rid of specs.  Jouni drove me to Laseri in Lauttasaari in the morning at 9:30.  I had short consultation with the surgeon ("Anything to ask?" "No not really."), got Diapam and waited for an hour for the medicine's effect and then I went for the surgery.  First I was lying on the bed and they checked my eyes against the pictures taken already on my first visit.  Laser machine follows somehow the image of my eye and compares while cutting to keep the beam on the right track (or something like that).  This makes it easier compared to the older version when you had to keep your eyes exactly still while cutting.

First they put some medicine to the right eye, kind of anesthetic to calm the eye and take the feel away.  The doctor put some kind of circle on the right eye to keep my eyelid away.  That was kept still with suction so it did not feel nice.  Then the bed moved under the laserbeam, the machine lowered down to match the circle on my eye, pushed a little but enough to feel quite bad, started humming and cutting took 29 seconds.  Felt nothing.  Then bed moved again and now the doctor did something, moved flap of my eye away before the real laser started burning my cornea.  It smelt bad.  I had to look at a red light all the time, sometimes didn't see a thing, just grey haze.  The nurse said 30, 60, 80 and 100 maybe in ten seconds intervals and it was ready.  Then the doctor moved the flap back, felt like a long time but probably a minute or two.  Fitting all the edges well back and it was ready.  I started to see as soon as the circle was moved away.  Some drops to the eye and next the same for my left eye.  For some reason it felt worse, the suction, the pressure and also when the doctor put the flap back.  Maybe because I knew already what's happening or just it was harder. 

I was away from the room in less than half hour.  I saw quite well already.  But both eyes were running badly and I could not keep my eyes open.  Went resting to a nice chair, got a blanket and drink and just tried to cope.  It was not painful just irritating.  Maybe an hour later the doctor did a final check and I was ready to leave.  Jouni came and we went home at 12:30, I had large sunglasses on to keep the ultraviolet away from the eyes.

I had couple of hours rest and maybe in two hours already the irritation was away and I could keep my eyes open.  Took a nap and at 4pm I felt like getting up and outside.  Only some feeling of having something in my eyes but not bad at all.  I was gardening alreay that night.

Now I'm fine, eyes are really good.  Still keep looking for my specs the first thing in the morning, or when washing my face.  I need to keep sunglasses all the time outside, still need to be careful not to get anything in my eyes, even water not to even mention sweat (while gardening).  I have some drops, antibiotic ones and moisturizers.  First check is tomorrow and then in a month and next in 6 months.  I feel good!  Was about time to get this done!